Levittown Baptist Church is dedicated to providing comprehensive shepherding for the flock. Below are the ways we try to equip the saints for faithful Christian living.
Both Jesus and Paul pointed us to church membership in order to encourage, protect, and instruct us. We would love to speak with you regarding the next steps toward joining LBC.
The Bible presents the concept of preaching as feeding the flock. Paul exhorted Timothy to "Preach the Word." (2 Tim. 4:2) At LBC, we consider the Sunday morning sermon to serve as the primary meal from the Word for the people of God each week. We preach exegetical sermons - meaning that we preach through a book of the Bible from beginning to end, covering a small portion each Sunday. The goal is never to get through the book, but that the Book would get through to us. We dive deeply into theology so that we might rise to the heights of doxology.
There is no substitute for daily Bible study. It serves as the daily bread that a Christian needs to be made strong and wise. At LBC, we have an annual Bible reading plan. Each year's plan is unique with a slightly different focus. In order to help you understand and apply the passage, the leaders of LBC write Shepherding Notes each weekday.
Equipping hour is a time of learning biblical and systematic theology. Topics range from deeply practical aspects of sanctification to richly theological lessons to renew our minds. All are taught for the purpose of shaping our hearts for doxology - worship of the One True King.
During the summers we enjoy a midweek service. It is a time of worship and teaching with classes for every member of the family.
Community Groups are small groups for church members that gather in homes to experience and enjoy deeper biblical fellowship and spur each other on to loving the community of faith and engaging our mission on Long Island.
Our spring conference, "Growing in Grace," and our fall conference, "Rooted in Christ," are designed to help Christians understand that all theology is profoundly practical, and living our lives well depends on solid theology.
All Christians are supposed to equip themselves so that they will be competent to serve one another by sharing wisdom (Rom. 15:14), bearing burdens (Gal. 6:2), and gently admonishing those who start to wander (Col. 3:16). However, there are times when a believer may need focussed attention and care. Discouragement with sin, depression, and difficult circumstances may arise. The elders of LBC seek to provide proper care and counsel for members in need.
You can learn more about the specific ways we evangelize the lost and equip the saints who fall into various age-related categories by following the links below.