February 2, 2025
Gated Communities
Preacher: Jonathan Rodriguez Series: Elders and Guest Preachers Topic: Trusting the Lord Scripture: Psalm 46
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January 26, 2025
A Mountaintop Experience
Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Limited Edition Topic: Union with Christ Scripture: Acts 17:10-15, 1 Kings 19, Exodus 33, Matthew 17, Ephesians 3:14, 1 Peter 1:8
January 19, 2025
The Faithful Church Advancing in the Midst of Persecution
Preacher: Marco Rosero Series: Elders and Guest Preachers Topic: Persecution Scripture: Ephesians 4:22-24
January 12, 2025
Pragmatism's Pathway to Destruction
Preacher: Steve Schultz Series: Elders and Guest Preachers Topic: Christian Worldview Scripture: Proverbs 4:12
January 5, 2025
Well, Well, Well
Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Limited Edition Topic: Jesus Scripture: John 4:1-42
December 29, 2024
Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Limited Edition Topic: Sanctification Scripture: Romans 12:9-13
December 24, 2024
The Supreme Savior
Preacher: Dillon Mckeon Series: Holiday Service Topic: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20
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December 22, 2024
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Limited Edition Topic: Christmas Scripture: Micah 5:2
December 15, 2024
When Life is Caving In
Preacher: Harry Fujiwara Series: Limited Edition Topic: God's Promises Scripture: Psalm 142
December 8, 2024
Raised with Christ
Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Limited Edition Topic: The Resurrection Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10
Old Testament
- Genesis56
- Exodus6
- Leviticus1
- Numbers1
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua2
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel39
- 2 Samuel3
- 1 Kings1
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles1
- Ezra1
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms31
- Proverbs6
- Ecclesiastes2
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah46
- Jeremiah1
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel1
- Daniel5
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah5
- Micah1
- Nahum1
- Habakkuk4
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi1
New Testament
- Matthew31
- Mark73
- Luke21
- John30
- Acts62
- Romans24
- 1 Corinthians17
- 2 Corinthians7
- Galatians10
- Ephesians17
- Philippians12
- Colossians4
- 1 Thessalonians5
- 2 Thessalonians1
- 1 Timothy20
- 2 Timothy20
- Titus2
- Philemon1
- Hebrews8
- James6
- 1 Peter6
- 2 Peter5
- 1 John3
- 2 John1
- 3 John1
- Jude2
- Revelation8
Primary Preachers
Steve Schultz
Caleb Bunch
Andy Davis
Brian Fendt
Sam Gage
Jean Impert
Peter Li
Francesco LoVerde
Dillon Mceon
Anna Moore
Michael Neglia
Christopher Ortez
Robert Pierro
Jonathan Rodriguez
Marco Rosero
Jessie Schreck
Kevin Vigneault
Michael White
Dillon Mckeon
Henry Drew
Guest Preachers
Keith Allen
Bryan Baker
Ivan Candelier
James Capo
Mike Cheng
Paul Chung
Austin Collins
Dave Cooke
Nathan Creitz
Matt Cummings
Harry Fujiwara
Paul Furniss
Bob Gianserra
Emanuel Grozea
Jacob Heifort
Raymond Johnson
Brian Kil
Eric Kim
Won Kwak
Andrew Matheson
Mike Minott
Charlie Moore
Ed Moore
Mike Moultrie
Peter Nicotra
Eric Park
Phil Sessa
Matthew Shores
Multiple Speakers
Bob Walderman
Matt Wiese
Nate Young
- The wrath of God; the grace of God1
- Active Love1
- Adam1
- Advent1
- Anger2
- Anthropology4
- Anxiety1
- Apologetics1
- Apostasy1
- Appearances1
- Atonement2
- Baptism1
- Beatitudes1
- Bein' Bereans1
- Biblical Christianity1
- Bibliology5
- Boldness2
- Christ our Life3
- Christ our Redeemer4
- Christ's Accomplishments on the Cross1
- Christ, God's Servant2
- Christian Compassion1
- Christian Cooperation1
- Christian Education1
- Christian Liberty vs Christian Love1
- Christian Living4
- Christian Maturity1
- Christian Worldview5
- Christianity and Culture2
- Christmas5
- Christmas Message7
- Christology6
- Church Discipline3
- Church Life1
- Church Planting1
- Comfort2
- Conflict1
- Conscience 1
- Contentment4
- Conversation1
- Courage2
- Covenant3
- Covenant Love / Friendship1
- Creation1
- Deacons4
- Death1
- Demonology1
- Depend on Christ1
- Devotion to God5
- Diligence1
- Discernment3
- Discipleship9
- Don't Lose Heart1
- Ecclesiology 2
- Effective Love1
- Elders1
- Elders and Guest Preachers3
- Election3
- Encouragement5
- Endurance2
- Entrusted Servants1
- Envy1
- Eschatology1
- Eternal Life1
- Eternality of God1
- Evangelism13
- Exceptional Love1
- Exegetical Series20
- Exhoratation1
- Exulting1
- Faith18
- False Teachers6
- Fear2
- Feeling Distant from God1
- Fellowship3
- Follow Christ2
- Follow God 2
- Friendship1
- Fruit of the Spirit8
- Gentleness1
- Giving2
- Gladness1
- God Delivers1
- God our model, the Bible our Foundation1
- God Our Refuge2
- God's Attributes1
- God's Compassion3
- God's Faithfulness4
- God's Forgiveness1
- God's Glory4
- God's Greatness2
- God's Holiness1
- God's Jealousy 1
- God's Judgment4
- God's Love6
- God's Mercy1
- God's Omnipresence1
- God's Power3
- God's Presence5
- God's Promises4
- God's protection2
- God's Providence3
- God's Sovereignty 5
- God's Word1
- God's Wrath1
- Godliness7
- Godly Vision1
- God’s sovereignty in salvation1
- Good Friday3
- Gossip1
- Grace2
- Gratutude1
- Grief2
- Healing4
- Heart of a Godly Woman1
- Hell1
- Highly Exalted1
- Holiness9
- Holy Spirit4
- Hope5
- Hope for Sinners1
- Hospitality1
- Human Responsibility1
- Humility3
- Hypocrisy3
- Hypostatic Union1
- Idolatry4
- Idolatry, Safety1
- Indicatives and Imperatives of Jude1
- Intercession1
- Irresistable Grace1
- Jealousy1
- Jesus8
- Jesus6
- Jesus - Our Creator and Savior1
- Jesus - The Good Shepherd1
- Jesus, the Light of Life2
- Joy4
- Judging1
- Judgment 2
- Justice & Mercy1
- Knowledge1
- Lamenting1
- Law1
- Leadership2
- Legalism5
- Life2
- Life in Christ1
- Limited Atonement1
- Living for Christ1
- Lord's Supper1
- Love11
- Magic2
- Majesty1
- Marriage3
- Meditation1
- Mercy2
- Ministry1
- Miracles, Demons1
- Missions5
- Money1
- Obedience9
- Omnipotence1
- Omniscience1
- Ordination1
- OT Messianic Phrophecy1
- Palm Sunday1
- Parables1
- Parenting5
- Peace3
- Persecution7
- Perseverance7
- Philosophy1
- Pneumatology 4
- Politics1
- Power of the Tongue1
- Praise2
- Prayer16
- Prayer, Ownership1
- Pre-launch sermons5
- Preaching2
- Predestination1
- Pride4
- Priesthood1
- Prophesy1
- Providence7
- Rebuke1
- Reconciliation6
- Reformation2
- Regret1
- Remember1
- Repentance13
- Restoration2
- Resurrection9
- Righteousness1
- Sabbath Rest1
- Sacrificial Love2
- Salvation8
- Sanctification6
- Scripture2
- Self1
- Self Control1
- Serving10
- Sexuality1
- Shame1
- Significance: My Life1
- Sin7
- Singing2
- Sovereignty1
- Sovereignty of God, Discipleship, Affliction/Persecution1
- Special Revelation1
- Spiritual Depression1
- Spiritual Discipline1
- Spiritual Disciplines1
- Spiritual Gifts2
- Steadfastness2
- Stubborness1
- Submitting to God's Will2
- Suffering4
- Superstition1
- Syncretism 1
- Temptation4
- Testimonies2
- Thanksgiving4
- The Armor of God1
- The Ascension 1
- The Atonement3
- The Church4
- The Cross6
- The Crucifixion2
- The Destructiveness of Sin1
- The Fear of the Lord2
- The Glory of God1
- The Goodness of God1
- The Gospel4
- The Gospel and the Great Commission1
- The Heart1
- The Holiness of God1
- The Kingdom3
- The Law1
- The Life of Jesus1
- The Life of Paul3
- The Lord's Supper3
- The peace of Christ1
- The Resurrection5
- The sovereignty of God in history1
- The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ1
- The Trinity1
- The word of Christ2
- Total Depravity1
- Tragedy1
- Trials1
- Trinity6
- True and False Conversions1
- Trust2
- Trusting the Lord1
- Truth1
- Uncondiditonal Election1
- Union with Christ5
- Unity4
- Vengence2
- Victory1
- Walking in the Light1
- Widows1
- Wisdom4
- Word of God1
- Work1
- Worldliness3
- Worship4
- Worship, Peace, Prayer1
- Zeal2