Unconditional Election
September 25, 2022 Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Salvation
Topic: Uncondiditonal Election Scripture: Romans 9:6-23
Devine Election - God, 1) Ordailnes - Promises what will happen in the future. 2) Predestination - shapes your desires and actions for the glory of Him. 3) Election - He chooses who will be saved and who won't.
Is this choice conditional (because he knows we will love him in our future) or Uncontitional, because he just loves us? It is Unconditional because he can do whatever he wants. We Love Him because he first loved us. No person is perfect and deserved eternal life. We receive this purely due to Gods Grace.
Do we know who has been chosed. No, we do not know peoples heart or Gods will. Does being unconditionally elected to heaven hinder our desire to spread the Gospel? It does not, we do not know at what time or who he will Chosen, so we have to reach as many people as possible to insure that his Chosed/elected will become Christians and be saved.
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