Matthew 26
We are coming to a close in the book of Matthew, as I have studied, I have found it to be so rich and I know I have only scratched the surface of it. Today we will look at what some people know as the passion narrative. We see the beginning of the most climatic point of history. There are 75 verses in this chapter, and I cannot possibly cover them all in one page, but what I will do is list out several things that show us how steadfast the love of Christ is. There are several things that happen in this text that could discourage anyone of us to keep on loving people, but Christ's love was and is deep and steadfast.
The Plot
We read in John 1:11 “He came to his own, and his own did not receive him.” The very people that Jesus had come to lay down his life for are the same people who are plotting to kill him in verses 1-4 in our current chapter. The people that Jesus came to rescue, his covenant people from the Old Testament are the very ones who rejected him and are plotting to have him executed. How would you feel if you left the US to go help a poor village in a third world country and those very people who you went to help, plotted to kill you? Imagine Jesus, king, and creator of all the universe having a search and kill party after him, by the very ones he came to save. But even though they searched for his life, Christ did not fight his capture but yet submitted himself to be put to death for love of the ones he knew would come to him.
Jesus knew that what he was going to go through would be the most difficult thing anyone would have to endure. The very fact that he would be enduring the full mighty wrath of God for six hours on the cross he could have turned away and said, “you know what, let these people be damned.” But what you find is Jesus wrestling with this sorrow verse 39 “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” If there was ever a moment where Jesus needed prayer and the encouragement of his disciples, it was then at that moment. But instead of finding his disciples praying fervently for him, they are sleeping and snoring before the final moments of Jesus' death. If we were about to die and asked someone to pray with you and they fall asleep during prayer we would probably say “the nerve of this person, don’t they see that this is when I most need them.” Well Jesus knowing the immense pain he is going to endure is probably even more sorrowful that the ones he spent pouring his life into cannot pray with him for an hour. But even that did not stop Jesus from submitting himself to be put to death for love of the ones he knew would come to him.
Betrayal and Arrest
Now the time comes for Jesus to be taken, and the one who turns him in is one whom Jesus did life with. A kiss on the cheek will turn to nails in his hands and feet. Jesus was betrayed by someone he poured his life into for three years. The person who he loved, cared for, and protected is the one who turns him in for some money in his pocket. Jesus could have said, these humans are not worth my love nor my sacrifice. But even that did not stop Jesus from submitting himself to be put to death for love of the ones he knew would come to him.
Before the Council
Jesus is arrested and he comes before the council, and here Jesus is spit at, punched in the face, mistreated, and false witnesses against him. The very people he came to save are the ones who violently hate him, there is no grace, there is no humility, there is no mercy, toward the one who was sustaining the world in that very moment. The one who had been merciful to them receives absolutely no mercy in return. But even that did not stop Jesus from submitting himself to be put to death for love of the ones he knew would come to him.
Peter’s Denial
Imagine giving your life for someone who then turns around and acts like they never knew you. That is Jesus when Peter denies him three times. Jesus spent so much energy pouring into this man, he even healed Peter’s mother-in-law. Instead of having care returned to Jesus in the moment he needed it the most, he is met with an “I don’t know this guy.” Jesus was literally abandoned by everyone in his life that he spent time loving. But even that did not stop Jesus from submitting himself to be put to death for love of the ones he knew would come to him.
When I was reading all of this, I wondered from my perspective how Jesus didn’t just give up and go back to heaven and let us all to rot. Honestly speaking if I was in his shoes that is what I would have done. But that goes to show that I still have not grasped the love of Jesus that is so deep, rich, and steadfast. This humbles me to my core to know that I am not any different than any of the people who sinned against Jesus, but I would have probably done the same as they did. But I have been met with so much mercy, with so much grace, and with so much love from Jesus because he still went on that cross for me. May we never cease to be amazed at the steadfast love of Christ.