The Good Shepherd

June 21, 2023 Preacher: Multiple Speakers Series: Wednesday Night worship 2023

Topic: Jesus - The Good Shepherd Scripture: Psalm 23

Four pastors preach from the quintessential chapter of the Old Testament about how Jesus is our Shepherd. 

1. Nate Young

When we face difficult times the thing that must be clear is the LORD. The Lord is the Saviour of our souls, he is the I AM. God maintains a perfect relationship with his sheep." I AM the Good Shepherd, The Good Shepherd lays his life down for his sheep."

2. Nathan Chrites

You dont need a shepherd to do what you want. There is nothing that i need that the Shepherd doesnt already have. Sheep of the shepherd are satisfied.

3. Michael Steffens

We are led by the Shepherd to the straight and narrow way. He will lead us in the paths of righteousness. How can we say I fear no evil? We have assurance that the shepherd will save us, not the physical body but rather the soul. Staff=loving hand of disipline, Rod=weapon of protection.

4. Nathan Swanson

Life with our Lord is the true happily ever after. In the midst of trials, God attends to our personal needs. He can prepare a table in the midst of various trials in our life. Joy in Christ BEGINS with Salvation. God is not frugle. God loves his sheep so much that one cannot leave his loving kindess. Dwelling in the house of the Lord is the quitissential idea of contentment.

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