Ephesians 4
In verse one, Paul urges us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called. In other words, Paul is telling us to lead a life that is in step with God’s grace, to be governed by the Spirit, and to lead a life that is consistent with the implications of the gospel. This may sound simple to do, but in reality, we fight every day to walk in such a manner because our flesh is still active. Two of the ways that we can learn to walk in a manner worthy, Paul lists in this chapter.
Put off your old self
If we were to get invited to a really fancy party with A-list people, I doubt that any one of us would go there in our sweaty gym clothes. Most of us would go home, shower, and put on the best clothes that we have. We would take off our gym clothes to put something better on. Paul is saying something like that, when we become Christians, we should develop a practice of putting off our old self because our old self is not in line with the implications of the gospel. Our old self (sweaty gym clothes) needs to be taken off, so something new can be put on. Maybe you’re thinking to yourself, it sounds like Paul is saying I must work my way to the gospel, but in reality, what Paul has in mind is sanctification not justification. We cannot be justified by anything that we do, salvation is a free gift of God by his grace through the sacrifice of Christ. But after we are justified, the process of putting off the old (sanctification) begins. Sanctification is something that takes part first by God’s grace, but it also happens when we examine our lives and work towards putting sins to death by the power of the Spirit. There are many things that Paul talks about in this chapter that we should put off, wrath, anger, malice, slander, corrupt talk, deceitful desires, disunity, bitterness, stealing, sensuality, impurity, etc. Have you been striving to put these off? Have you been striving to put these to death? It is important, as Christians to examine our hearts, because I know how quickly my heart can fall into these, and your heart as well since we all have sin natures. Are you working toward putting these things to death? Is there anyone you have bitterness towards? Are there sensual things you should be putting off? Are you constantly angry?
Put on your new self
Paul doesn’t just say that we should put off our old selves (sweaty gym clothes), but we should put on the new self (the nice clothing). We have been invited to a gospel party where the host is completely dressed in white, that has no stain, that is holy and righteous. The reason we are to put on the new self is so that we can walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. God has set his standard, and we will never reach perfection in this life, but we are called to continually work towards looking more like Christ, being more like Christ, and acting more like Christ. Instead of keeping the things Paul listed before, we should be striving for humility, gentleness, patience, unity, love, purity, holiness, and putting on the likeness of God. We are to strive towards these things because these are the things that will help us to be sober minded when trying to lead a life that is worthy of the gospel. This can be done by God’s grace and our intentionality. I also want to remind you, that when you fail at this, like I do time and time again, remember the gospel. We are called to pursue these things but when we fail, we should not think we are too far gone to be forgiven, but through the gospel of Christ we find forgiveness, mercy, grace, and the ability to keep striving forward.