Ephesians 6
It is highly probable that when Paul wrote this he was actually chained up to a Roman soldier. That means that Paul was able to carefully study the soldiers gear, armor, and weaponry and to use it to describe how we as Christians should gear up. We will take a very very brief look at each piece of equipment mentioned because there can be long studies on each piece of gear.
The Belt of Truth
Usually, this belt was made from leather and covered the lower abdomen of the soldier. This belt was also used to carry the sword, but it was also to make sure that the soldiers would be able to keep their tunics together. That is because when a soldier girded up their loins (tucked in their tunic to the belt) it meant they were getting ready for combat. The belt helped to keep the tunic tucked in which guaranteed the soldier would have better mobility in combat and be able to help him move swiftly on the battlefield. As Christians we are to gird up our loins with truth, so that we can have good mobility and move swiftly in this life as good soldiers of Christ and be able to move through spiritual battles with God’s truth.
Breastplate of Righteousness
This breastplate was used to cover the heart during battle. If the soldier was to get stabbed in the heart they were as good as dead, but the breastplate protected that. This is also a piece of armor that is mentioned in Isaiah 59:17 that the Lord would come bearing judgment wearing a breastplate of righteousness. As Christians we were the breastplate of righteousness that Christ has provided for us. When sins try to tug at our hearts and temptations beckons us to give in, we know that Christ has given us his righteousness that continually covers our hearts and reminds us of what Christ has done for us on the cross and that sin will not satisfy us.
Shoes of Your Feet
The sandals that Romans soldiers used were rugged and built for long marches to the battlefield. The sandals had material that passed the ankle that provided stability and steadiness to the soldier. Paul makes another allusion to the book of Isaiah (52:7) where it says, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who brings good news, who publishes peace.” For the Christian, these shoes are meant to bring gospel peace to others and not war. The sandals are to provide stability and endurance as we march through this earth bringing the good news of the gospel to others.
Shield of Faith
The shield was generally big enough to cover the soldier entirely and sometimes they were dipped in water so if fiery arrows were shot at them, the water would extinguish the flames. Paul masterfully used this to show us that faith is like that shield Romans soldiers used, even though the enemy might shoot fiery darts and arrows at us, the Lord himself is our shield and our faith in him will lead us through this life filled with turmoil and difficulties. If God is sovereign, then we have faith that he will work all things out for our good.
Helmet of Salvation
The helmet was an important piece of armor because if the soldier received a blow on the head without a helmet, it could have been a deadly wound, it could have taken away their sight, it might have knocked them unconscious, or disoriented him during battle. The helmet was then used to protect the head from any of those things, causing the soldier to fight for long periods of time. As Christians we put on the helmet of salvation knowing that we need to guard our minds, be sober minded, keep vigilant, and be able to continue in endurance for all our Christian walks.
The Sword of the Spirit
Interestingly the sword is the only piece of equipment that can be used for both offense and defense. The sword of a soldier was short, which made it swift for hand-to-hand combat. The sword was meant to be used to attack and the sword has a point that can penetrate deeply. Paul compares that to the Word of God which was inspired by God through his Spirit. The sword is meant to be used by Christians to fight off the spiritual attacks of the enemy being that God’s word is sharper than any two-edged sword able to cut through the heart and spirit.