Hebrews 2
This chapter of Hebrews is very humbling, for two main reasons, it shows us the humility of Christ and it shows how much God is mindful of us.
The Humility of Christ
Usually, when I think about the humility of Christ, I think of Philippians 2, but this chapter is just as rich when displaying the humility of Christ. (V.10) “For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.” The writer of Hebrews makes a clear picture of the humility of Christ. The writer is clearly stating that Christ is the creator of all things that exist in this world. Every atom, every molecule, the ocean, the land, the animals, he is the one who tells how far the waves should come up, he is the one who makes it rain, he is the one who brings down thunder and lightning, Christ is the one who created all things. But the next statement is shocking, that the same Christ who created all things was the founder of salvation through suffering. Christ who spoke all things into existence, is the very one who humbles himself into creation and lets his very creation put him to death. The writer says that he tasted death for us, Christ tasted death through suffering for us. Christ suffered when he could have known no suffering, he could have wiped the floor with this world, but instead he entered it and let himself be killed by his own creation. That is a humility that far surpasses any of our understanding.
God is mindful of us
Why would the king die for the peasant? I do not think that in any time in history has a king laid down his life for a peasant except for the cross. (V. 6) “It has been testified somewhere, ‘What is man that you are mindful of him.’” This is a direct quote from Psalm 8 where the Psalmist prophesied about the messiah. I do think that “What is man that you are mindful of him” refers to us humans and I say that because then the writer makes a distinction and says, “or the son of man, that you care for him.” This question if you think about it, slaps us right in the face, because who is man? We are weak creatures, who are filled with passions and desires that are contrary to God in our old nature. We are full of ourselves, and we think the world revolves around us. Why should God be mindful of us? Why should he interact with us? Why should he love us? What we find is that for some reason God is mindful of us, and that reason is because he has given a people to his Son. He has given his Son a bride to redeem. God who is deserving of all worship, who’s glory surpasses anything we can even think of, is mindful of us. That is truly humbling because it helps me to see how undeserving I am of salvation and God’s love toward me. As you go through the day, remember “What is man that you are mindful of him?” He is so mindful that he sent his Son to die for us.