Hebrews 4
One thing that you will notice through the book of Hebrews is a big focus on the office of priest. Jesus is often referred to in this book as the high priest. If you are familiar with the Old Testament, you will know that the office of the high priest was the most important role/job within the Israelite community. The reason why it was so important was because the role of the high priest would be to make a sacrifice on behalf of the people to atone for their sins. God had given the Israelites specific details on making and constructing the ark of the covenant, the most holy place, and the holy place. Only the high priest was allowed to go into the most holy place to stand before the ark of the covenant, and he was only allowed to do so once a year. Every year, the high priest would make a sacrifice and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat and intercede for the people of Israel to atone for their sins. There was also a possibility for the high priest to be struck down if there was any unrepentant sin in his life or the sacrifice was done in any unworthy manner. Even though that high priest did not have the power to atone for the sins of Israel, that was a picture pointing to our current chapter. In Hebrews 4 Jesus is referred to the great high priest who has passed through the heavens. Jesus is the high priest who became the sacrifice so that he would be able to atone the sins of his people with his own blood, but the striking thing is that he is able to sympathize with us. Jesus was tempted but never sinned, he was betrayed, he knows exactly what it feels like to be human and that is why he is the great high priest. He is not some high priest we have to watch from a distance so we are not struck down dead, this high priest actually invites us to come to him so that he can bridge the gap between us and God. Jesus does not have to wait once a year to bring us close to the throne of grace, but now there is access daily for those who go to Christ. Brothers and sisters, you might have heard this 100 times, but I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that Jesus intercedes for us and that he is able to sympathize with my weaknesses. Many other religions serve gods that are far off in the distance, fake gods that require humans to put in the work to gain favor. But in Christianity God did the work for us, and Jesus is not distant, but he is personable and close to those who come near to him in faith and repentance. That is why we can draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. When we feel burdened, heavy, and tired because of the weight of our sins and trials, we can have the deepest confidence that if we go to Christ, we will receive deep mercy and grace. This should help us to rejoice, that in the face of great sins and adversities we have a great high priest who is able to sympathize with me and draw me into the presence of God.