Widow Speak
March 20, 2022 Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: 1 Timothy
Topic: Widows Scripture: 1 Timothy 5:1-16
- Every Christian needs to rebuke sin among the Church body
- Correct older by treating them as parents
- Correct younger by treating them as siblings
- Correct non husband/wife as brother/sister in Christ
- Which widows qualifies financial assitance? Church to deploy practical help wisely and not to be burdened
- Truly alone without family and community support
- Wealthy women do not qualify
- Women pursue excess desires do not qualify as they are spiritually dead, they are interested in self and worldly things
- Widows enrolled in the ministry and commit self to serve the Church
- To be a servant in Christ, not to desire wealth
- Without occuping themself serving others, idlers sins
- God cares about the widows and so should you
- Giving money is not always helpful spiritually
- The gospel is of first importance. Physical needs are temporal, spiritual needs are eternal