Irresistable Grace

October 9, 2022 Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Salvation

Topic: Irresistable Grace Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-9

God graciously draws His people to Himself with effectual calling. He grants new birth, faith, and repentance.


Atonement / The Cross
Outward Call / Gospel Preached
Inward Call / The Spirit Draws
Conversion (Faith + Repentance)

 Big Question: What Causes Someone to Come to Christ?

 Question 1: What is the Doctrine of Irresistible Grace?

 Question 2: Where do Calvinists and Armenians Agree?

 Question 3: What is the Difference Between the Outward Call and the Effectual Call?

 Romans 10:17;  Matthew 22:14;  2 Timothy 1:8-9  Romans 8:29-30

Question 4: Where Does the New Birth / New Life / New Creation Come from?
 John 3:3-8;  Titus 3:4-5;  1 Peter 1:3;  1 John 2:29;  1 John 3:9;  1 John 4:7;
 1 John 5:1;  Deut. 30:6;  Ezekiel 36:26-27;  2 Cor. 5:17

 Question 5: Where Does Faith Come From?
 Acts 16:14;  Acts 16:15;  Phil. 1:29;  Ephesians 2:8-9

 Question 6: Where Does Repentance Come From?
 Acts 11:18;  2 Timothy 2:25

Question 7: Do We See Any Examples of Someone Resisiting God's Call to Salvation? Don't We See that Happening all the Time?
Acts 7:51

Question 8: Does This Make Us Robots?

Question 9: What About Jesus Standing at the Door Knocking?
 Revelation 3:20;  Revelation 3:19

Question 10: What are the Practical Applications of this doctine?

Application 1: Pray for People to be Saved.

Application 2: There is No Such Thing as the Sinner’s Prayer.

Application 3: We Don't Do Altar Calls

Application 4: Be Fearless in Evangelism
1 Cor. 3:6

Application 5: Worship the Lord in Truth

Total Depravity - Man Apart from God
Unconditional Election - God the Father Elects us to Salvation
Limited Atonement - God the Son Atones for Our Salvation
Irresistible Grace - God the Spirit Applies our Salvation
Perseverance of the Saints - Man Living Our Salvation

Application 6: Irresistible Grace Results in Humility
Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Cor. 4:7

More in Salvation

October 16, 2022

Perseverence of the Saints

October 2, 2022

Limited Atonement

September 25, 2022

Unconditional Election